A powerful, dependable satellite phone delivering high voice quality, voicemail, text and email messaging, plus tracking and assistance alert features. All packaged in an ergonomically designed rugged handset.
- Ready: fast network registration in under 45 seconds and unrivalled battery life, with 8 hours of talk time and up to 160 hours of standby time
- Reliable: operates over global geostationary satellites ensuring reliable call stability and network connection
- Robust: designed and engineered to withstand the most extreme conditions; operates at -20°c to +55°c (larger keypad for easy dialling when wearing gloves); dust, splash and shock resistant (IP65, IK04); humidity tolerance from 0 to 95%
- Reassuring: location services, including tracking and assistance button, keep people updated of your GPS coordinates when it matters. Receive notification of inbound calls even with antenna stowed
- Readable: easy-to-use interface with large high-visibility, scratch-resistant transflective display that is readable even in bright sunlight